Thursday 19 January 2017

Rivers of Bangladesh - Essay for Honours/Degree Exam

Rivers of Bangladesh - Essay for Honours/Degree Exam! Dear student, today I am gonna share another important essay for honours and Degree exam. You know, we're now regularly sharing all important essay, paragraph, application, report etc for Honours and Degree examination. You know, English is a compulsory subject in Honours 2nd year and Degree 3rd Year. The essay is a question of both exam with 15 Marks. For a good result, you must need tho answer the essay. NU EDU BD now regularly sharing all important essay about Bangladesh National University Honours/Degree exam.

Rivers of Bangladesh Essay

You know guys Bangladesh is a land of rivers. It has some big and small rivers around our land. Although Bangladesh is a small country it is a full land of rivers. Today we're discussing Rivers of Bangladesh. You can also write an Essay on Rivers of Bangladesh. River of Bangladesh is playing an important role in our environment. So, it's importance so long. Now let's start writing an essay on Rivers of Bangladesh. 

It is very hard to describe River of Bangladesh. Becuase rivers of Bangladesh are most essential for every life. People of Bangladesh are depended on of rivers. Most of the fish are comes from rivers. For a healthy life, fresh are most important for our life. And these fish are coming from rivers. Hilsha fish comes from Padma Rivers. So now let's summarize something about Rivers of Bangladesh. 

Rivers of Bangladesh - Essay

Rivers of Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of rivers. All the rivers keep our existence on their breast. The lives of our people are shaped by these rivers. These rivers add the beauties of our country.

Kind and sources of rivers: Bangladesh is criss-crossed with numerous rivers. There are different kinds of rivers the main rivers, the banches and the tributaries. Most of the rivers have their origin in the Himalayas and fall in the Bay of Bengal.

The important rivers: There are hundreds of big and small rivers in our country. All these rivers surround our country in a zigzag manner. During the rainy season, all the rivers are full to the brim. At that time some of them look like big arms of the sea. In the dry season, some small rivers dry up and they look like skeletons of rivers. The principal rivers in our country are the Padma, The Meghna, THe Jamuna, The Karnafuli, The Dhaleswari, The Teesta, The Mahananda, The Pashur, The Madhumati, The Surma, The Kacha, The Barhmaputra etc.

The Padma: The Padma is the main river in our country. It enters into Bangladesh through the south-west corner of Rajshahi district. It mixes with the Jamuna at Goalandh. It tributaries are the Mathabangha, the Bhairab etc.

The Meghna:The Meghna enters in Bangladesh through the disctrict of Sylhet. It mixes with the Padmaat Chandpur and then falls into the Bay of Bengal. The Titas and the Dakatia are its two branches.

The Brahmaputra: This rivers enter in our country through Kurigram district. It is divided into two parts in Mymensihgh. One of it takes the name of the Jamuna and meets with the Padma at Foalandh.

The Jamuna:The Jamuna enters into Bangladesh through the Aasam of India. Its one tributary is the Teesta and a branch is Dhaleswari.

The Kanafuli: Flowing through the Chittagong District this river fall into the Bay of Bengal. Its main tributaries are the Kasalong, the Halda, The Boalkhali etc. 

Importance of rivers in our National economy: The rivers play a vital role for the people of Bangladesh. Their roles can not be described easily. Their roles can be summarizes as follows.

(i) In Agriculture: Bangladesh is and agricultural country. Our agriculture largely depend s on the irrigation from these rivers. The rivers help to cultivate our lands in dry season. The rivers also make the lands fertile by supplying alluvium to the fields. Paddy, wheat, sugarcane and other argricultural products grow well because of the irrigation from these rivers.

(ii) Supply of fish: The rivers are the source of fish. Numerous types of fishes can be found from these rivers. The Padma is the home Hilsha fish. Thus the rivers provide necessary protein for the Bangladeshis.

(iii) Trade and commerce: River communication is one of the important communications in Bangladesh. This is comparatively cheap communication. The steamers, launches, boats etc carry passengers and different products from one place to another. Thus this helps to create trade and commerce. Again, mos of the hats, bazars, towns, factories, mills etc are situated on the bank of the rivers. Thus rivers highly help to expand trade and commerce for us.

(iv) Source of economy: Rivers are the source of our economy. We can export food to other countries through rivers and can earn foreign money. Many people are employed in fishing in the rivers. Thus rivers help to solve the unemployment problems as well.

(v) Source of power: Flowing water of the rivers is a source of energy and power. We can use rivers to produce electricity. The Karnafuli Hydro-Electric Project is an instance of this.

(vi) Influence of life: The rivers expert great influence on our life. The people living near the rivers have been shaped by these rivers. Our poets, novelist etc get their essential themes from these rivers Our literature greatly owes to these rivers.

Bad effect of river: Our rivers have some bad effects too. When the overflow their banks and embanks, there create floods. These destroy our lives and property. By changing this courses, our rivers also harp us by devastating different place.

Conclusion: Our rivers are our pride. They help us in numerous ways. They add our beauty and boost our economy. They are an important part of our country.

That's if guys, Hope you got helped by this important essay for your honours or degree exam. You can study this important essay or composition from here. We're easily written this on our website. If you also think this is helpful and important, then don't forget to share this with your other friends. and you also have any question about Rivers of Bangladesh Essay, the leave a comment on the comment section. Thank you.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Tree Plantation - Important Essay for Honours Exam

Tree Plantation - Important Essay for Honours Exam! Dear NU students, Today I am gotta share another important essay for Honours and Degree exam of 2nd Year. You know, English is a compulsory subject on Honours 2nd year and Degree 3rd year. For this reasons, Now we're regularly sharing all important essay for Honours and Degree Exam of Bangladesh National University. Yesterday we shared another important essay for all Honours 2nd Year students and Degree 3rd year students. Must check this out: Female Empowerment in Bangladesh.

This is another Important essay for your exam. Bangladesh is a developing country. Day by day our country developing. Students now take their study on online easily. For this reason, we're also trying to make their study easier. This is our a small attempt for all Honours and Degree Student. Tree Plantation is a most important essay or composition for all sector's students.

Tree Plantation - Important Essay for Honours Exam

Tree Plantation Essay for Honours Exam

Tree Plantation is most important right now for our life. Our living life in danger for deforestation. It destroying the forest. For a better living life, Tree Plantation is a most important. Today I am writing an easy and common essay about "Tree Plantation" for honours 2nd year and Degree 3rd year student. Essay come with 15 Marks on the exam. So, it plays an important role for make a good result. If you can write a good essay, then you can easily get better marks for an essay. So, now lets start.

Tree Plantation

Introduction: Tree plantation means the planting of trees. It is very essential to sustain our life on earth. Trees and forests are linked with us. To plant trees is to make our life smooth and danger free.

Necessity of Trees: Trees exert immense importance on us. They five us oxygen. They absolve the poisonous carbon dioxide which is dangerous for our existence. Trees help to prevent drought, cyclone, flood and other natural calamities. They provide us wood and fuel. They give us shelter and we get fruits, flowers and materials for industry. Thus, the importance of trees cannot be described in words.

Forest resource in Bangladesh: Ours is a lower riparian country. Here plants can grow. But our forest resource is not sufficient. To keep balance in nature a country needs 25%forest land of its total area. But our total forest land is 16% of our area. It is below that standard. The Sundarbans is our main forest. There are also the forest of Bhawal, Madhupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts etc. Sundari, Garan and Ghewa etc are our prominent wood of forest.

Bad effects of cutting trees: Trees are our important resource. We have to keep these for our own sake. The cutting of trees ha dire consequence. This will turn our country into desert. The cutting of trees will bring nature disasters. It will damage the dynamic balance of our environment. Flood, cyclone and other natural disasters will happen if there are dearths of forests. The cutting of trees will increase the world temperature. It will crate the green house effect. The lower southern parts of the country will go under water when the temperature will increase as a result of cutting the trees. Thus, destruction of  trees must be stopped and we have to plant trees more and more.

Tree plantation programs: As trees help to live us in this world, we have to take care of it. We also have to plant trees. Ti will help to make our life danger-free and comfortable. Trees embellish our life. Realizing the importance of trees, our government and social organisations have taken elaborate steps to plant trees. Every year people are being motivated to plant trees. The department of forestry is distributing the small plants to our people. The citizens also personally take steps to plant trees.

Its importance: Tree plantation programs has immense importance. We should not depend on nature for natural plantation. Rather we have to plant these willingly. The plantation of trees means the easiness and danger free.existence for us. We should not plant trees for their sake but we will work for our own sake. The plantation of trees will keep our lives free from different disasters. Thus tree plantation means our smooth existence.

Proper time for it: Trees are our most valuable wealth. June-July is the best time for planting trees. The government should come for forward to distribute plants to its citizens. The government should take steps to plant trees deliberately by its machineries. We have enough follow lands where we can plant trees. By the side of the roads, we an also plant trees. Not only that, beside our homestead, tree plantation can be possible. Nowadays this program can be continued throughout the year. In this case, illiterate people can be properly motivated to do this.

Conclusion: The importance of trees on human life is manifold . Our main source of existence comes from trees. That is, we will not cut trees rather we will plant it more and more. We have to realize that trees mean our interest. So it is our moral duty to plant trees.
Hope guys you got helped by taking this important essay for you NU EDU BD Honours exam and Degree Exam. From now, we're regularly sharing all important essay, paragraph, application, report etc about Honors and Degree exam. If you have a suggestion, then do not forget to share this with us.

NU EDU BD Results
NU EDU BD is an educational website in Bangladesh, that publish all kind of latest and new notice about National University. We also give NU Students Results and Routine also. If you're a student of BD NUEDU BD, then our website may helpful for you. Because we share all official routine, notice, and the result of Bangladesh National University. Bangladesh is a small and developing country. Our country is developing in education sector from last 10 years. 

National University is a public university in Bangladesh. Every year a huge number of students are admitted into National University and a huge number of students are come out after ending of their study. Our website is all about National University Honours Result and Degree Result.

In conclusion, hope this post may helpful. We always share all important thing about NU Students. If you find this post Tree Plantation essay is helpful for you, then do not forget to share this post with your other friends. Thank you and wish you best of luck for your exam.

Monday 16 January 2017

Female Empowerment in Bangladesh - Essay for Honours Exam

Female Empowerment in Bangladesh Essay. English is a compulsory subject in Honours 2nd year. Essay is a most important question at honours 2nd year exam with 15 Marks. Today I am going to share a important Essay and it may helpful for your NU Honours Exam. Female Empowerment is a most important essay for your Honours and Degree exam of Bangladesh National University. Now we're regular publish all important paragraph and essay for honours and degree exam. If you find it helpful for you, then don't forget to share this with your other NU Student friend.

Female Empowerment in Bangladesh essay for honours exam

Female Empowerment in Bangladesh Essay

This is a common and very important for honours exam. You know essay come with 15 Marks in every exam. So you must try to answer this question. Today I am sharing very shortly Female Empowerment in Bangladesh Essay with you. I hope it may helpful for you and your next honours and degree exam. You know Female Empowerment in Bangladesh is now very important. So, must need to know about this important essay. So now let's start dear friends. 

Female/Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh

Introduction: Women constitute half of the total population of our country. Their role in our national development is great. They are equal to men in this regard. No one can deny it. So, they should be empowered. Now let us discuss why women's empowerment is essential.

Definition: Empowerment means the act of giving the powerless power. So, women's empowerment means the act of giving women power to join various workforce's.

Female's condition in the past: Women's'/Female's condition in the past was very pathetic. They were confined within four walls. They were dependent on the male members. They were busy with household chores. They did not have the right to go out. They suffered from malnutrition. They were the victims of gender discrimination.

Importance of women's empowerment: Women's empowerment is vital. It will help women to be self-sufficient. It will help to resist oppression against women. It will unchain women from gender discrimination. Women will be able to contribute to our national development if they are empowered. To make the dreams of the nation true, women's assistance is a must. Women's empowerment can ensure their all rights.

Steps for empowerment: For the empowerment of women, some steps are necessary. Women should be given proper education. They should be made more conscious of their rights. More work opportunities should be created for them. They should be given just wages at their work place. They should be protected from any type of oppression harassment. They should be involved in national politics.

Present condition: The present condition of women's empowerment is positive. Women are becoming educated. Now they are conscious of their rights. They are no longer confined to the four walls of their homes. They are joining many jobs. They are competing with men. They are working in garments, educational institutions, mills and factories. Many women are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers and so Prime Minister, Home Minister, Foreign Minister and what not. Women are contributing to family income. They have been able to bring happiness and peace to their families. Thus, women have brought benefits for our families, society and for the nation.

Attitude toward them: At present men have changed their attitude towards women. Now every sector is opened for women. They can easily join any job. They have proved their worth. Like men, they are respected at their work place.

Conclusion: In the end, we can say that women are our great asset. They are helping in our national development. We should create suitable environment for their work. Otherwise, the country will lag behind.

NU EDU BD is a website that publish all kind of NU Honours Results and Degree result of Bangladesh National University. Not only results, we also publish all notice and routine of NU BD. From today, we regularly publish all important essay, paragraph, application, latter and much more about NU Education. I hope you got helped from our all publishes.

Hope this important essay for honours and degree exam of National University of Bangladesh may helpful for you. If you have question and found any problems, then feel free to a comment on the comment section. Wish you best of luck.