Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Degree 1st Year Result 2020 Check Fast |

National University Degree 1st Year result 2020 of the academic year 2019 and session 2018-19 going to be published on 12th August 2020. Here is Degree 1st year exam result all finding method available. The result of Bangladesh National University basically publishes within 3 months of exam end. I hope you know, the Degree 1st-year exam was started from 20th April to 23rd March 2020.

    Degree 1st Year Result 2020 Check Fast

    Now this time is getting your Degree 1st year result 2020 of Session 2017-2018. Probably the Degree 1st Year Exam Result will publish on the end of September 2020 under the National University Bangladesh.

    Do you want to when Degree 1st year result will publish? Always remember one thing. The National University Bangladesh publish their all programs result after 90 days of exam end. So, you can find your Degree first (1st) year result in September 2020. Because your exam was ended in May this year.

    Degree 1st Year Result 2020In this post,  I will show you, that how to get your Degree 1st Year exam result 2019 by Online and Mobile SMS method. If you don't know all process of getting Degree 1st year result 2020 of the academic year 2018, then this post may helpful for you.

    Degree 1st Year Result all process |

    Degree 1st Year Result all process know from this page. This is a common question to all NU students, that how to get National University Degree 1st year result easily, quickly and fast. For your kind information, NU Result Archive server sometimes got down for huge traffic at one time. That's why students get disappointed with this problem. Don't worry guys for this problem.

    You can get your Degree 1st year result 2020 with very easily. You just need to wait for some moments. Here are 2 easy options available for getting NU Degree pass and certificate result, First one is the Online internet, that is most popular nowadays. Another one is Mobile SMS, that powered by Taletalk BD Limited. Below I describing these two methods for getting your Degree 1st-year result.

    Degree 1st year result 2020 date

    National University Degree 1st year result 2020 date is knocking the door.  The exam ended in May 2020. According to the National University result publish roles, the following exam to be published on 12th August 2020 (Wednesday). If you want to collect your result then follow the below method.

    Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2020 by Online

    Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2020 by Online method is here. It is an easy and popular way to get the results. Many students have PC with internet connections. So you can find your result easily through the internet. Now to find the National University Degree 1st year exam Result, visit our website and search the result finding option. You can also visit the National University website to find your result.

    The official website of National University is But when the result gets published, the website gets jammed because of heavy traffic. So, the better solution is searching for the result on this website. You need to follow the following instructions to get the result properly.

    How To See Degree 1st Year Result By Online?

    If your interest to check Your Degree 1st Year Result by Online then
    • Firstly you have to open your pc or mobile browser.
    • Then you have to type or
    • Select result option. After clicking Result option,
    • Click on Degree option .then then hit on the 1st-year option.
    • Put on your Degree 1st Year Reg No/Roll No.
    • Then Type your Degree passing year.
    • And answer the captcha code
    • And Click Search Result.
    • Enjoy your Degree Result. Your Degree result will show your mobile or pc Screen.
    Degree 1st exam result 2020

    In the Degree nu result archive page, click on the Degree from the left side. You will see 3 options. If you are looking for 1st-year result, then click on the “1st-year” from these options. Now you have two options. One is the individual result and another is the college wise result.

    Now in the first option, type your Degree registration number of required year. And in the second option, type your Degree roll number. In the third option, you should type your Degree Passing year. Then in the last option type the CAPTCHA word. And click on “Search Result”. In this process, you get your result.

    Check Degree 1st year Exam Result by Mobile SMS

    The best alternative way of collecting Degree 1st year exam result by SMS. NU students can easily collect their result through mobile SMS. Below I shared the full SMS format of Degree 1st Year Result. One secret tip for you. If you have any Teletalk SIM or any Robi SIM, then send SMS through these SIM for getting the result quickly. Teletalk and Robi users get their result fast and that proved. Now follow this SMS format: NU<space>DEG<space>REG NO send to 16222.
    Example: NU DEG 123456 send to 16222
    Degree 1st year Result 2020 by SMS method
    Degree 1st-year result SMS format with a Screenshot

    Look Back Degree 1st Year exam

    Degree pass and certificate 1st-year exam were held in April 2020. Form fill up notice published from February to March 2020. The routine was published in the last week of March. Finally, the exam was started from 20th April to 5th March 2020. Now this time to getting your result. Here is the Degree 1st year result.

    Grading System for Degree 1st year exam

    Numerical GradeLetter gradeGrade point
    National University Grading System Degree 1st year exam
    National University Grading System of Degree 1st year exam 2020

    How to Apply for NU Degree 1st Year Re-scrutiny 2020?

    The re-scrutiny is a process that students use to re-check their exam papers again after the exam. It is actually for those students who are not satisfied with their results. The process is very simple for degree 1st-year students and others. All degree 1st-year examinees have to apply within October 2020.

    The fee for this process is TK 500. The examinee who wants to apply for this process must have to pay 500 takas by a bank draft to the Sonali bank limited, national university branch. The steps for applying the re-scrutiny process for degree 1st-year students are given below.
    • Go to the National University website and click on services.
    • Then click the Sonali Sebha Button.
    • Now, click on the Recruiting Fee Option under the student fee menu.
    • You must give your semester/year/part and also give your registration number and click search.
    • Your details will appear on your screen.
    • You have to choose your paper codes and other info then completes the application fill-up.
    • At last, take the print of your payment and complete the payment through Sonali Sebha from Sonali Bank, and you are done.
    In conclusion, I recommended you wait till then result publish officially by National University authority. When the result publishes, then another notice about this Degree 1st year result 2020 on their official website notice corner. If you have a question about this post, then feel free to leave a comment on the comment section.
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