Friday, 29 January 2021

HSC Result 2021 Academic Year 2020 Bangladesh (অটোপাশ রেজাল্ট)

It is the eleventh hour to publish HSC Result 2021 of the academic year 2020. The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC Result 2020) to be published on 30th January 2021. This date officially declared by the ministry of education. This year education ministry decided to publish the HSC Result auto pass system based on JSC and SSC CGPA. To learn more about this HSC auto pass result, keep reading this full article. 

    This year HSC exam not held for the pandemic. Due to not being the HSC exam, the ministry of education decided to publish the HSC Result 2020 Marksheet based on JSC and SSC CGPA. Today I will show you, how to collect the result.

    HSC Result 2021 of Bangladesh

    This year the HSC Result 2021 of Bangladesh will be published with a different method. Because of this year, the result will give based on your JSC and SSC CGPA. On the result day education minister, DR. Dipu Moni handed over the result sheet to prime minister Sheik Hasina at 10:00 AM. After that, at 12:00 PM education minister Dr. Dipu Moni publish the day result with a press conference. After that, you can collect your result through Mobile SMS and The Internet at 2:00 PM.
    HSC Result 2021 academic year 2020

    Among them, most of the examine is lives in the village. That's why there are no internet facilities to collect their result. For that, they depend on mobile SMS. In this article, I share all available processes to collect HSC Result 2020 BD. Bangladesh is a small and middle-income country.

    Every year a large number of students attend on HSC exam Result under the 10th education board (Dhaka Board, Chittagong Board, Sylhet Board, Comilla Board, Rajshahi Board, Jessore Board, Barisal Board, Dinajpur Board, Madrasah Board, and Technical Education Board).

    Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q) of HSC Result

    Question: When HSC Result 2021 will publish??
    Answer: Basically Education board published HSC Results after 60 days. So it can be said, HSC Result 2021 will publish  Saturday, 30th January 2021.

    Question: How can I find HSC Result?
    Answer: It's very easy. You can find your result through Mobile SMS and the Internet. Both methods are discussed above.

    Question: How do I check my HSC Result 2020?
    Answer: The ideal method is the Online internet. You can check your HSC Result 2020 on the official website of the Bangladesh education board.

    Question: HSC and Alim Result will publish on the same date?
    Answer: Yes. HSC and Alim Exam Result will publish on the same date and same time.

    Question: What if I failed in one or two subjects?
    Answer: Well, here is a chance to Re-evaluation your HSC result. After publishing the result, the education ministry will publish a Rescrutiny notice.

    Question: What is the Rescrutiny process?
    Answer: It is very easy. You can check this article for the HSC Rescrutiny process.

    HSC Result 2020 Published Date

    I think you eagerly waiting for HSC Result 2020 Published Date. Well, HSC Result will be published on 30th January 2021. It is the rule of the Education Board of Bangladesh that any result of public examination should be published within must it 2 months/60 days from the last written exam day like also. Ministery of education board along with the education board maintains this rule sincerely also like.
    On that day Educational Minister, Dr. Dipu Moni will hand over the result sheet to the prime minister at 10:00 am. Then he will announce the result through a press briefing also like. HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) Result will be found after 1:00 pm and 2:00pm. Students will get their HSC 2020 Result from their respective colleges, online and via mobile SMS everything.

    How to Get HSC Result 2021?

    There are two official methods available to collect HSC Result 2021 of the 2020 academic year. The first one is the Online method and the second one is mobile SMS. Below I am describing two methods to check your HSC Exam Result Bangladesh education board. If you wanna collect your HSC Result full mark sheet, then the online internet will be a better way for you. Or if you wanna get your result quickly and fast, then try the mobile SMS method.

    Watch the below video to check your HSC Result 2021 on any kind of mobile device.