Thursday, 28 January 2021

[PDF] SSC Short Syllabus 2021 Download - এসএসসির সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস

A PDF file is available for SSC Short Syllabus 2021. You know the education ministry recently published the SSC Syllabus for the upcoming SSC Exam that will be held on June 2021. So if you're a candidate of this batch, then you can follow this official SSC Exam Short Syllabus PDF to make your study easier.

    The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has prepared SSC short syllabus for 2021 SSC candidates. All educational institutions in the country have been closed since March 16 after the outbreak of coronavirus in Bangladesh. Last year (2020), it was not possible to take the annual examination of any class of the school or the final examination of the PSC and JSC exam. Check upcoming HSC Result 2020.

    SSC Short Syllabus 2021 Download

    The newly published SSC Short Syllabus 2021 PDF is available for all subjects. After the opening of the educational institution, the students of class X and XII will be given classes five or six days a week. Education Minister Dipu Moni has already said that she plans to have classes for others one day a week.

    SSC Short Syllabus 2021

    Dipu Moni also declares the SSC exam date. In this year Secondary School Certificate exam will be held in June 2021. So, if you want to make a good result on this exam, then start your study from today with this new SSC Syllabus 2021.

    How to download SSC Syllabus 2021?

    I think you already heard that the authority of NCTB has been published the short SSC Syllabus 2021 for the upcoming secondary school certificate exam. Below we shared a full SSC Syllabus for individual subjects. So that, every student can download the syllabus whatever need. You can download this as a pdf file.


    The short syllabus of SSC published last Monday will be withdrawn by Thursday. The new short syllabus will be formulated within the next week. Besides, a short syllabus of HSC will also be prepared in the same period.

    Group-wise SSC Short Syllabus download

    In the Bangladesh education board, there are 3 groups of SSC candidates. Below we share the new SSC short syllabus for Art, Science, and Commerce groups. There are some subjects that are compulsory for students of all groups. Moreover, the remainder of the problems is different within the group division.
    1. Bangla 1st Paper
    2. Bangla 2nd Paper
    3. English 1st Paper
    4. English 2nd Paper
    5. Math
    6. ICT
    7. Islam and Moral Education
    8. Hindu Religion and Moral Education
    9. Christo Religion and Moral Education
    10. Buddhist Religion and Moral Education
    11. Arts & Crafts
    12. Bangladesh and Global Studies
    13. Science
    14. Career Education
    15. Physical Education

    Humanities / Arts Short Syllabus For SSC Exam

    1. Civics
    2. Economics
    3. Geography & Environment
    4. History

    Science Short Syllabus For SSC Exam

    1. Biology
    2. Chemistry
    3. Physics

    Commerce Short Syllabus For SSC Exam

    1. Accounting
    2. Business Enterprise
    3. Finance and Banking

    Optional Subject Short Syllabus For SSC Exam

    1. Agriculture
    2. Higher Math
    3. Home Science


    Above we share all individual subject SSC Short Syllabus for the upcoming SSC Exam of 2021. You can download this Syllabus as a PDF file. If you find any problem for download this SSC Syllabus, then leave a comment or mail us at

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